Monday, March 16, 2009


Intel® Server Products

Service and Support

Service at Your Fingertips

Intel service and support programs allow you to extend your service reach by using the resources of Intel. Our extensive support team and service tools provide the opportunity to increase revenue and customer satisfaction. Learn more about Intel's extensive line-up of programs and tools to help make service and support an asset to growing your server business.

Reduce Server Downtime

Intel® Server Configurator Tool

The Intel® Server Configurator Tool allows you to quickly and efficiently select compatible components to design a complete server system. After configuring, the tool provides a parts list you can print or export to send to your Intel® Authorized Distributor.

Intel® Learning Network

The Intel Learning Network has the training you need to make the most of Intel technologies, products, and solutions. There are Web-based training and online seminars on topics in computing, communications, e-Business, and other technologies.

Increase Revenue

Three-Year Limited Warranty

Extend service to your customers backed by quality Intel Server Products and a competitive warranty period.

Intel® Advanced Warranty Replacement (AWR)* Program

Intel® Channel Program members can take advantage of the AWR program, offering express replacement of in-warranty server components. Use the AWR program to help support your service contracts and replenish on-hand spares inventory quickly for the entire warranty period. Now Intel Channel Program members in North America can email warranty requests direct to Intel.

Intel® Technical Support

Online Support

Intel's Support Web site provides detailed technical information, product documentation, and software and drivers on all Intel Server Products in multiple languages to help support your service contracts and resolve technical issues quickly.

Phone Support

Intel also offers around-the-clock technical phone support* on Intel® Server Boards, Chassis, RAID controller cards, and Intel Server Management.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Intel® Server Parts on Shop IntelSM

Buy Intel server spares any time, anywhere around the world. You can offer comprehensive service by purchasing spares individually online for repairing or replacing Intel Server Products. Located at, the storefront features Intel's most popular and new product spares and accessories, select discontinued parts, easy credit card ordering, and three shipping options, including overnight delivery. Visit the store today and use Intel's online storefront as your backup parts warehouse.

Intel® Spares Kits

Spares kits help you provide cost-effective, same-day service and ensure server uptime. Each kit contains individually wrapped, spare chassis components you can keep on hand to immediately service Intel Server Products. Special offers are available to Intel Channel Program members on certain spares kits.

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